Scholarship Information
Completed application forms, together with all required enclosures, must reach our mail box no later than March 3lst of each year.
All applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.
All applications for financial assistance for scholarships must be completed in there entirety and shall include all required enclosures. Among these must be:
- A letter along with supporting tax information attesting to the applicant's eligibility.
- Name of college or institution with a copy of letter of admission or proof of current enrollment.
- Two (2) letters of recommendation from current teachers or final year teachers.
- A 500 word essay on subjects decided on by the Scholarship Fund Officers and Board of Directors.
The scholarships are awarded for one (1) year.
Applicants must file a new application for each successive year.
Scholarships are not available for graduate studies.
The method and schedule for processing applications will be determined by the Officers and Board of Directors. All applications will be completed on the World Wide Web (www) and mailed to address provided.
Successful applications will be announced at the time and place designated by the Officers and Board of Directors.